Park Safety
Trampoline Safety &
Accident Prevention
All guests, jumpers, and non-jumpers are required to read and sign the electronic waiver.
All guests under the age of 18 must have a waiver completed and signed by their parent or legal guardian.
Electronic waivers remain valid for one year.
As in most recreational sports, participants may be injured. This section covers the most common accidents. Responsibilities of jumpers in accident prevention are outlined.
The following are reasons why accidents happen:
Attempting Somersaults: Landing on the head or neck can cause serious injury, paralysis, or death, even when landing in the middle of the trampoline bed.
More than one person on the Trampoline: Use by more than one person at the same time can result in serious injuries.
Hitting the Frame: Jumpers should stay in the center of the trampoline when jumping. Injury may result from hitting the frame when control is lost. Do not jump directly onto the safety pad.
Incorrect transfer from Trampolines to Decking or Platform Areas: Improper transfer can result in broken ankles or other injuries. Make sure to walk from trampolines to decking areas.
Alcohol and Drug Use: Alcohol and drug use impair a jumper’s coordination, loss of control as well as injuries are greatly increased.
Inadequate Skill Level: Attempting skills above one’s ability may cause serious injury, paralysis, or death.
Foreign Objects: Jumping with a foreign object can also increase the chances of getting injured. This includes keys, phones, cameras, etc.
Additional Safety Guidelines
- DO NOT jump if you have health limitations or injuries, or are under the influence of alcohol or drugs
- NO pushing, pulling, spotting, or throwing others
- NO diving or landing on your HEAD, NECK, or STOMACH
- NO sitting or lying down on the trampolines
- NO jumping directly on the trampoline pads
- NO sharp objects or unauthorized devices (cameras, phones, etc.) allowed on the court
- DO NOT affect another jumper's bounce in any way
- DO NOT double bounce
- DO NOT jump if an employee isn't present
- ALWAYS empty your pockets before jumping
- ALWAYS know your limits and remain in control
- ALWAYS it's the patron's responsibility to avoid others
- ALWAYS stay off the tops of all vertical trampolines
- ALWAYS walk on and off the courts (NO RUNNING)
- ALWAYS follow employee directions and instructions
- ALWAYS one jumper at a time per trampoline lane
Court-Specific Rules

Airbag/Foam pit
- NO gainers
- NO double flips (or more)
- NO diving
- DO NOT land on your head, neck, back, or stomach
- ALWAYS one jumper at a time per trampoline lane
- ALWAYS exit off the airbag/foam pit to the side

- NO hanging on the backboard, rim, or net
- ALWAYS one jumper at a time

Battle Beam
- DO NOT hit an opponent above the shoulders
- DO NOT hit an opponent outside the middle of the beam
- ONLY one attempt per turn
- ONLY two people on the battle beam at a time
- ALWAYS get on the battle beam carefully and slowly
- ALWAYS exit off to the sides and avoid posts
- ALWAYS avoid colliding with others

- NO headshots
- NO fighting
- NO kicking or throwing balls once you are out
- NO flips, gainers, or more
- ALWAYS follow the employee's directions and instructions

Ninja Course
- ALWAYS one at a time on each obstacle within the Ninja Course
- ALWAYS exit off the Ninja Course to the side

Open Air
- NO double flips or more
- NO jumping over spines and/or jump boxes
- DO NOT double bounce
- ALWAYS watch for cross traffic